
Hyaluronic Acid

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

A natural sugar found in the human body, Hyaluronic Acid is the most hydrating substance in the world. It’s function is to attract water and keep skin hydrated, plump and youthful. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is composed of two sugars Glucuronic acid and N-Acetyl Glucosamine. HA can be found in the joints, eyeballs, but mostly the skin. As the human body creates Hyaluronic Acid naturally it is impossible to be allergic to it. One of the main functions of HA is to keep water inside the skin tissue- something that plays an important role in the collagen fiber network in the dermis.

What happens to our own Hyaluronic Acid?

As we age our bodies produces less HA. More specifically, the collagen fibers network is stretched and allows fewer HA molecules to bind with water. It results in dehydration in the skin. Combined with the thinning of the fat tissue on the forehead and cheeks, thickening of the fat tissue on the neck and chin and changes in the bone structure over the years, results in deepening of the wrinkles.

What happens when you add some Hyaluronic Acid into the skin?

HA found in the body and HA inserted to the skin is exactly the same. However, with a good filler, the longevity of this is absolutely different. The HA that is produced in the body has a pretty short lifespan of around 2-4 days. However, injectable HA can last months.

What is the difference?

It comes down to the polymeric chains of the substance BDDE. It is possible to chemically achieve cross-linking, which allows a higher number of connections to be made between the molecules of the Hyaluronic Acid inside the filler, thus slowing down the enzymatic degradation. Basically, it means that the substance is still removed from the body through the natural degradation process, but it just takes more time and the injected HA will retain water over a longer lifespan. It should be added that no filler should be permanently injected into the skin. It may lead to significant risks and side effects.

What is the difference between the Hyaluron Pen and filler injections?

Well, as a matter of fact, those two belong in different universes that overlap only a tiny bit (even though the part that overlap is blowing out greatly at the moment). Namely, fillers are injections that can have a large effect on the overall look of the human face. the thicker the filler is, the deeper it is injected and the larger and usually also permanent the effect is. When it comes to the Hyaluron Pen the fillers that can be used are very liquid and can only be inserted to the upper layer of dermis – papillary dermis. This means that it only competes with a small category of ha fillers that do the same thing, while being limited when it comes to deeper or subnormal injections (where filler injections are used to achieve results). The Hyaluron Pen pretty much dominates in its own category because of its ease of use.

CHEEKS - HA can provide the needed support to sunken cheeks through the use of the HA. Injected into the deep tissue of the skin, it can provide the needed support to sunken cheeks through the use of HA, elastin, and collagen. Your instantly smoother and natural-looking transformation that can last for up to 1 year.

LIP AND LIP BORDER - Achieve firm and significant volume to your thinning lips. No pain, minimum bruising, swelling or down time. Instant results!

NASOLABIAL FOLDS - These are the deep folds from the nose to the mouth. The use of Filler can noticeably aid in adding volume and smoothing those deep-seated lines.

MARIONETTE LINES - These are the lines running from the corners of the mouth down to the chin. Filler helps eliminate those unsightly lines and give you your desired, natural-looking results.

Frequently Asked Questions

1Is the treatment painful?
With the hyaluron pen, there is no needle involved. The injection method uses mechanical pressure to inject the filler under your skin. Traditional Botox and dermal filler injections penetrate the subcutaneous layer of skin causing potential downtime with bruising, significant swelling not to mention the pain! Mechanical pressure uses the same technology as an insulin pen for diabetics, the injection itself can be compared to the feeling of a finger prick. The non-invasive method leaves you plump and ready to show off your new look in as little as 24 hours!
2How long do the fillers last?
Fillers are gradually absorbed and don’t always last as long as desired. Fillers last a different amount of time. The longer lasting fillers are more expensive than the hyaluronic acid fillers. How long fillers last (of all types) is not dependent on the doctor, but on how quickly you absorb it. If it is absorbed early, it isn’t bad, just a fact of how quickly your body metabolizes it. In this case it can be disappointing but nothing is wrong. Additional product can be purchased and is usually the answer. It can be safely added at any time and usually gives better results and satisfaction!
3What is the downtime?
Most clients experience little to no downtime. There are no incisions, no bandages, and no restrictions on your activities after the procedure is complete.
4Is it Safe?
Since the Hyaluron Pen is non-invasive, Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler ensures that there is no rupture of blood vessels. It reaches only the papillary layer of the dermis making the treatment very safe and convenient. The most terrible problems with injections come, as we all know from blocked blood vessels to which an unfortunate treatment provider has injected some filler. For example, filling some large enough artery with thick enough substance can restrict some Oxygen movement to eyes and actually cause temporary or permanent blindness in the worst case. With Hyaluron Pen it is anatomically impossible to inject the substance even close the same way, thus there are no such risks.
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